Tag Archives: General Conference activity

General Conference Idea for Relief Society


At church, I’m currently working with the women in Relief Society.  We have a very important world wide meeting coming up called General Conference.  It truly is a wonderful opportunity to hear from our church leaders.  I don’t know about you, but I have a great time watching Conference, get really inspired, and then promptly forget everything I learned.  Sure, I remember some things as they are presented in talks and lessons later on, but I have a hard time remembering the words of the prophet on a day to day basis.

So, with that in mind, I decided to had these out to the ladies in my ward Relief Society.  Its very simple; just a sign to hang anywhere in their house (the fridge maybe?) where they can write a list of what President Monson says.  My hope is they will involve their families and the women they visit teach.  A copy of the letter from myself and my presidency is below.

If you’ve done something in your ward that has worked, I’d love to hear about it!  I have so many fun Relief Society stuff to post, I’ll get to it all soon!

Dear  Relief Society Sisters,

General Conference is coming up on March 31st  and April 1st .   In our Relief Society lesson this past Sunday we discussed how to remember and implement what the prophet has taught us.

 We hope that this sign will help you and your families write and remember what President Thomas S. Monson teaches us in General Conference.  We hope you can find a place in your home to put this to help you remember his counsel in the upcoming months.

 If you feel like this can be beneficial to any of the women you visit teach, please deliver it to them.

 Thinking of you,