Tag Archives: LDS young women to Relief Society

Welcoming Young Women to Relief Society


I feel its really important for Young Women to feel welcomed in Relief Society!  Our Relief Society does all the normal things to get to know the girls on a regular basis; inviting them to activities, opening exercises together, joint lessons.  Also, once a year close to graduation, we take a 5th Sunday and use the whole Relief Society meeting to welcome the girls.

In years past, I’ve taught a lesson with young women in mind (making choices, overcoming fear) but this year we had so many Laurels graduating, we spent the meeting having each mother take a few minutes and introduce her daughter.  For those that didn’t have moms there, we had a women who was close to them speak instead.  At the end, both the YW President and I shared a few thoughts about Relief Society and how it has blessed our lives.

We gave each Laurel a packet with a little poem inside.  The packets are made out of fabric place mats (nice, heavy fabric) just folded up and sewn into pockets.  Ribbon is sewn around too.  Poem is at the bottom of the post with all items listed.  It folds and ties nicely.

I decorated the room with these signs.  Its foam board covered with fabric, white paper, and vinyl words cut with my Silhouette.
We also made cupcakes for ALL sisters to take home.   All cupcakes were packaged in plastic cups for easy transport.

Each cupcake had this message tied on it.  I designed the tag with clip art from Shabby Princess.

Poem (I’m sorry, I don’t know where it came from!)

When you decide to join us, we’ll be glad to welcome you,

into our worldwide sisterhood and to a group that is new.

S o here’s a little something to help you on your way,

as you head of for Relief Society and to a brand new day.

You’ll need a lesson amnual with precious truths inside.

The lessons stregthen testimonies as they are taught worldwide.

Now when you find the meeting great and not a bit absurd,

just use the pad and pencil to weite down every word.

The tissues are for wiping tears when lessons touch your heart,

and we know you will love them all, reight from the very strart!

Here’s a bookmark for your scriptures, please take them every week,

We’ll study then together as guidenace we will seek.

You’ll benefit if you will “chews” to mingle with your sisters,

by attending activites , you’ll gain more than hot glue gun blisters.

And last, an invitation in which every word rings true,

cause you should know that Relief Society has a special place for YOU!

(If you know where this came from, please let me know!)