Tag Archives: Relief Society handouts

Relief Society Birthday Visit Gifts


When I was called to be Relief Society president in our ward, I felt very strongly that we should visit every sister on our ward lists on their birthday.  Two plus years into it, we’ve had great success in getting to know the ladies of our ward with these simple front door drop bys.  My presidency and and I rotate months, so we each do visits once a quarter.  We always bring a little gift with us.  I’m going on my third year, so here are the three gifts we’ve done so far, all under a dollar and all using coupons from Joanns, Michaels, and Hobby Lobby for all purchases.  We have a bout 150 ladies on our roster, so at the beginning of the year, we just make all 150 and then they are all ready to go each month.

The first year we did these “love blocks”.  They are the most labor intensive, but also the cheapest (about 35 cents each).  The wood is 2x4s cut into blocks painted various colors (seasonal) with a Silouette or Cricut paper cut out “love” modge podged on (layer over the top too).  On the back is a little note with a signature from each of us.  Finish with a tulle bow, and you’ve got a “gift of love”.  The next year we did these little flower vases.  We got the bottles from a local bottle distributer, filled with sand and got various flowers (again, seasonal) from the craft store.

Currently we are delivering these little book marks made out of a large vintage-looking clip and clay flowers, both from Pick Your Plum.  The flowers I purchased were a variety pack, so I used the big ones for this project and the small ones for this project.  This is just printed on 4×6 photo paper with a slit cut with a razor blade to attached the clip.

All wrapped up:Clip up close:We’ve also given out the adorible note pads that JB Designs has on her site for a little over a dollar.  We gave them out at our Christmas program, but they would work for birthday visits for sure.

Do you do birthday visits?  I would love to hear what you bring along!